What is Hexham Community Partnership?

Hexham Community Partnership (HCP) is the development trust serving Hexham and the surrounding communities in the Tyne Valley. We work with the community and our partners to make Hexham a more vibrant, enterprising and adaptable market town for local residents, businesses and visitors.

We own and operate the Forum Cinema and take a lead in developing and promoting Hexham’s businesses, green spaces and cultural offering.  We also manage the Number 28 Community House – Number 28, Derwent Road, Hexham – and helped establish the West Northumberland Food Bank.

More recently, we created the Team Hexham volunteer hub to match volunteer opportunities from community groups and employers in Hexham with the skills and aspirations of those with time to give. Click the Team Hexham link to register and get started.

Please visit www.visithexham.com to find out more about the town and all that it has to offer in the way of attractions, activities and events.

The Partnership works closely with Hexham Town Council and other partners within the town to deliver a year-round events programme, support the local business community and community development.

Contact us:

Hexham Community Partnership
Queen’s Hall
Beaumont Street
NE46 3LS Tel: 01434 622796

Please use the contact us form for email.


Hexham is a small market town with a population of around 13,000 people, named twice as the happiest town in the UK in Rightmove surveys in 2019 and 2021.

Easy links with Newcastle, the quality of the landscape in which it sits, the range of amenities and the wide range of cultural and leisure opportunities make Hexham a great place to live and work. Like any town, there are challenges and there are people within Hexham who face economic hardship and social isolation.

Hexham Community Partnership works with a wide range of individuals and organisations in the town promoting and supporting community development, engagement and regeneration. Our work involves the organisation of a year-round events calendar,  signposting, supporting community groups and partners to achieve their aims, and finding ways to improve social inclusion and tackle issues of rural isolation as well as promoting Hexham as a vibrant place to live, work and play.

We are proud of the part we have played in the success of the Hexham East community house – No.28, which was established in 2008 and now plays a central role in the life of the town offering information, support and a range of groups and activities FREE to all local residents.

We sit on a wide variety of forums and committees including Hexham Hub, Hexham Book Festival, Hexham Cultural Network, Heritage Action Zone steering group and chair the West Northumberland VCS Alliance network.

In 2013 it became clear that there was an increasing need for a local food bank to serve the west of the county and, working with Northumberland County Council, West Northumberland Children’s Centres, churches and supermarkets as well as many individual volunteers we established the West Northumberland Food Bank.

At the start of the Covid pandemic in March 2020, we helped set up Hexham Communities Together, a joint venture between HCP, Hexham Town Council and Northumberland County Council and supported by Adapt.  We helped vulnerable and/or shielding residents who required help to access groceries, managing a group of volunteers who shopped for and delivered food and essentials to those in need.

The projects and activities taking place in the town depend on the work of volunteers, the support of our funders and we are grateful for both.

Arts & Culture

Hexham prides itself on the range and quality of artistic and cultural activity taking place throughout the year.

There are many events, festivals, venues, clubs and societies, galleries and professional artists in and around the town.  A visit to visithexham.net will help you to identify some of these.

The town is lucky to have not only a dedicated arts centre in the Queen’s Hall Arts Centre but also the full-time community-owned Forum Cinema.

Hexham is steeped in history and boasts Northumberland’s only Abbey, The Old Gaol and Moot Hall, an 800 year old market place and many buildings of historical interest. Added to this are Hexham’s many green spaces including Tyne Green Country Park, the River Tyne (England best salmon river) Hexham Abbey Grounds and bandstand plus Northumberland’s only (and the UK’s most scenic) racecourse, golf courses and leisure centre, with pool, running track and tenpin bowling. Hexham’s warm and friendly people make Hexham a special place to visit.

These are just some of the places where you can find out more about what is on in the town


Welcome to Hexham  – a small market town only 23 miles from Newcastle upon Tyne, the regional capital of the north east, from which it is quickly and easily accessible by road and rail.

Hexham is set in the beautiful Tyne Valley within easy reach of Hadrian’s Wall, the Northumberland National Park and the North Pennines Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.

Hexham is a charming market town characterised by its stone architecture, cobbled streets and historic buildings. Combine this with a blend of boutiques, high street favourites and regular outdoor markets and events offering you a unique experience. A warm welcome awaits you in our many quirky coffee shops and award-winning restaurants.

To find out more and plan your visit go to www.visithexham.net



Our Commitment

The HCP Environmental Policy is a statement of our commitment to reduce the impact of our activities on the environment. We will work with the Board, staff, suppliers and stakeholders to ensure our working practices and processes are regularly monitored and that environmental impacts are minimised. HCP is committed to the following principles:

  • We will ensure compliance with all relevant legislation, regulations and codes of practice as a minimum.
  • We will integrate sustainability considerations into all our business decisions.
  • We will ensure that the Board and all staff are fully aware of our Environmental Policy and are committed to implementing and improving it.
  • We will adopt the principles of reduce, re-use, recycle in all aspects of our activities and minimise resource use and the creation of waste as much as possible.
  • Through increased energy management of our working environments we will aim to minimise waste through energy conservation and energy efficiency.
  • We are committed to monitoring and minimising the environmental impacts of our business travel and encouraging Board and staff to consider low greenhouse gas emission travel options.
  • We are committed to monitoring and minimising the environmental impacts of all our operations including events.
  • Where possible we will use suppliers that demonstrate a high level of environmental responsibility for the procurement of our supplies and services.